Hey there from Missouri!

Submitted by Jenny Lou on Tue, 01/04/2011 - 11:10

I've been an avid lurker of Ana's website since it was Knock-Off Wood, but I finally bit the bullet today and joined the Community. Laugh All of the plans are wonderful and they do look very simple and very easy to understand. I'm here because a few years ago, I put in my own pantry shelving (MDF, not wire racks Wink), using a drill for the first time ever, and I knew from that moment, "I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS!" However, I'm married to a very hesitant, or would that be resistant, man? Nevermind. Confused The point is, I've joined the community to hopefully gain some courage to try a couple of these projects myself. We live in a tiny home and the bigger our two boys get (10 and 7), the smaller it feels. I would really like to build some pieces that will give us plenty of storage solutions for my kitchen necessities, toys, games, sports equipment (good Lord, the sporting equipment! UGH!), and better use of our closets.


I'm hoping the locker/hutch will be my first project. It's something we desperately need.


Thanks, Ana, for your site, your FREE plans and the encouragement you give to others!