hi from oklahoma!

Hi everyone,

i guess i discovered this website a while ago but it was forgotten about, UNTIL a fb friend posted how she was never going to buy another peice of furniture again! so i clicked the link and here i am!

I live in lawton oklahoma with my husband of 4 years and counting, our kids elias and arabella and Zion on the way (he is in the oven). I have two older children that do not live with us at the moment, a daughter who will be 10 in june ( i would love to make her gift) and a step son who will be 12 on the 11th of jan.

I love my family, and i like my life but im getting bored with the same ol same ol and i think if i could find good easy projects for now i would be happier.

glad to be here and hopefully meet new people and new friends
