Trouble With New Saw

I am pretty sure there is something I am doing wrong. Or some technique I am unaware of (unfortunately my satellite connection makes watching videos impossible).

I am building the farmhouse bed. When I go to cut a board. Doesn't matter if it is a 1 x 3, 1 x 4 or 1 x 8. The circular saw almost always gets hung up at the very end of the cut...on the bottom.

I figure it must be something I am doing because I have gotten it to cut through on about three cuts. It cuts clean through so infrequently I haven't yet been able to pinpoint what I am doing differently.

The saw is a brand new $40 Ryobi from Orange. And has worked great so far...just can't figure this one thing out.


Wed, 07/06/2011 - 08:37

As you cut through the board the weight of the cut-off piece makes it start to drop down. That's pinching the board against the blade. It can be a dangerous situation because the saw can kick.

The easiest solution is to use four saw horses, and do your cutting in the middle, so that everything is well supported. What I usually do is ask my daughter to hold up the end of the cut-off piece.

I try to do all of this with hand tools though, and cut on my bench. Then the piece doesn't have very far to fall (3/4") and can't pinch the blade.


Fri, 07/08/2011 - 11:49

Ive had this a couple times, all times there was an explanation, the lastest one was because the clamp was in the way lol. The saw couldnt slide back all the way

You didnt specify what type of saw you have but it could also be that the sliding thingy is stuck and try loosening it so its slides easier, thats what i had in the beginning.

Alexisxis (not verified)

Mon, 08/22/2011 - 13:28

I started my first project yesterday and was having the same exact problem. I'm also using a circular saw. I had it clamped on both ends and was cutting in the middle. I was able to cut through the 1x8 cleanly, but I got stuck with both the 2x2 and 1x3's.