My mom really wanted me to build her a bed for her dog and was coming to visit in a week, so I jumped on the project immediately. (Although it is for her pup, mine is modeling the bed:-).) I took the Farmhouse Doll Bed plan and used that as a base for a modified version. I went to Joanns and grabbed a standard 15"x17" piece of 2" medium density foam for about $5 and built around it. Instead of using the 1x3s for the headboard, I used 9 1x2s to even out the space. This was also my first time ever sewing, so that was probably the most time consuming part of the project! (That's what took it over the edge from being an "hour or two project" to an "afternoon project".) I also modified the plans for Ana's Outdoor Cushions to fit the smaller piece of foam. (I fell in love with the dog fabric from Tonic Living, so I HAD to make my own!) I finished it off with 2 coats of spray paint.