My husband built this from your storage locker plans only complaint was the 1 1/4 screws werent long enough we had to go up to 1 1/2" but after that sucess! we decided to antique paint it, Im so in love with this peice, honest opinions accepted lol i know we each have our own style and im open to tips!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
2 different Valspar(lowes) paints and topped with a mocha glaze from them as well
Recommended Skill Level
Guest (not verified)
Thu, 03/01/2012 - 08:05
How did you finsih that!?!
How did you finsih that!?! Looks amazing
Mrzhammond (not verified)
Sun, 03/11/2012 - 13:44
first i sanded it so it would
first i sanded it so it would have a nice adhesion. I did a "ruff coat" of brown paint, i mean ruff! lol i painted on where it would have certainly needed 2/3 coats to fully cover, but made it was enough to make the dark brown i wanted, after that dried i again ruff painted a green (salamander to be exact) coat ,(you could still see the brown) i took the orbital sander and 220 grit sand paper to age the locker, i literally resanded the whole thing and worked it a littler harder where i have the "damaged" places. the best part is you really cant mess up!,after i finished the sanding i cleaned it so i was able to put a glaze on it to "age" the paint i bought mocha transparent glaze by valspar it was about $16 but only used 1/2 - 2/3 of the jar......another project stash of leftovers:). I glazed in sections With the glaze i brushed it on the whole side and before i moved on to the next piece i wiped it to prevent it becoming to "finished", on the insides i brushed the glaze on two pieces (say one wall and the bench of that locker) and wiped the first on then the other part and then moved on. Overall i was looking to make a piece that you would find at grandmas old farm house we are super happy with the out come honestly the pictures arent as good as it came out! Good luck and happy building:)