This was made for a friend. I looked up Ana's original plan and modified it a little. The end result was something she was very happy with.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
Primer and red spray paint.
Recommended Skill Level
N. Hunter (not verified)
Mon, 07/09/2012 - 20:39
I love your modifications..
I love your modifications.. Think I'll take it bit further and add another pullout on the other side of the shelf. This way I can put one hamper in each, and my whites and darks will already be separate.
Wed, 07/11/2012 - 15:04
That's a great idea. I didn't even think about laundry.
Melissa C (not verified)
Fri, 11/02/2012 - 05:54
Dimensions of trash bin with shelves
What were the completed dimensions for the tilt out trash bin with side shelves