This project was built by my husband, for our daughter who needed some storage for her card-making and scrapbooking supplies. I had the easy part of doing the painting and purchasing the hardware. The hinges and handles are from Home Depot. It is a challenge to find good lumber at our big box stores. That was probably the most difficult part of the build...dealing with warped wood. This piece is suited for the primitive and rustic look so it didn't matter that the wood had some dings and splintering from the edges. Everything was sanded well and these marks just added to the character. He did encounter some problems with drilling the 1 and 1/4" kreg screws into the frame of the door. The wood wanted to split. Also, the plans called for magnetic closures but we could not determine how those would be installed as the shelves do not reach to the doors. So we cut some wooden swinging closures and attached them to the top of the cabinet. They seem to work well. One modification if he builds this again (and our other daughters are now putting in their orders!) would be to add a wooden support down the center front so that the doors would have something to close against. The way it is now, the doors could be pushed inward and put a lot of stress on the hinges. We were very pleased at how this project turned out! Thank you for the plans.

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 13:20
Looks Great I had same issues
I like the way that came out and I agree its hard to get good wood at the big box stores it took me a while to go through the stacks they had there to find straight pieces. The other thing I had an issue with was the 1 1/4"
Kreg screws as well but if you dont over drive them it generally will not crack the wood. Just be gentle and if it still does turn the clutch down on the drill that will help as well.
Thu, 10/11/2012 - 18:11
Kreg screws
Thank you for your comment, and for the advice on the Kreg screws!
We are in the process of cleaning up our garage, so that future building projects are easier to do! One thing my husband also built was a small workbench, with a lower shelf to store the Kreg jig, screws, etc on. It comes in handy as we always know where to at least find the Kreg stuff! We should also keep some notes on the shelf, too, to refer to when the wood cracks, etc.
Wed, 10/10/2012 - 10:09
Howcome the doors don't reach the shelves?
Thu, 10/11/2012 - 18:13
I think the plans said to make the shelves 1 x 10? And because a 1 x 12 was used for the side frame, the shelves therefore didn't reach to the doors.
Aisha_ (not verified)
Wed, 10/10/2012 - 10:37
You could solve the door not
You could solve the door not reaching the shelves problem by installing the magnetic closures on the underside of the top piece so it would also act as a stopper for the doors so they don't swing to the inside. I think that's what Ana meant in the plans. Kinda like this:
Thu, 10/11/2012 - 18:04
Magnetic Closure
Thank you for the photo of the magnetic closure. That makes a lot of sense! We could still add those, and also leave the swinging locks in place, too.
HRagg (not verified)
Sat, 10/13/2012 - 10:43
Love this!
I am the lucky receiver of this jelly cabinet. It is exactly what I had in mind when I was on the hunt for one. I was so pleasantly surprised when my parents came to visit and showed me my early birthday present in their trunk! :)