Using the plans for the modern table and simple stools, I made some modifications so it could be a bar height pub table and stools. The stools took the most time, with all the supports and keeping it level. The table was easy and I am super happy with the addition of the x's on the sides. I think it gives it a more professional look. Turned out that the angle I wanted them at wasn't possible on my miter saw, so I just had to mark the angles and cut with a jig saw. Screws were overkill for them and split the wood, so finishing nails did the job. The top was salvaged from an old ugly mdf topped coffee table. I sanded it a bit and with many coats of stain, achieved a match to the rest of the wood. Yay! Breakfast nook, complete!

additional coats of clear matte poly on tops of table and stools for protection.
Mon, 02/11/2013 - 12:03
Nice job!
Nice job! Also looks like it'd be a great place for conversation while someone is working in the kitchen .
In reply to Nice job! by Linda7
Tue, 02/12/2013 - 10:42
Thank you Linda! Great idea!
Thank you Linda! Great idea!
Sat, 09/14/2013 - 12:34
What are the dimensions here
What are the dimensions here for your table? I'm looking to make/get one very much like this and trying to figure out the best yet least amount of counter space needed, depth wise. Hoping 15" is enough but I love the look of yours.
In reply to What are the dimensions here by morgo614
Thu, 06/04/2015 - 10:00
So sorry for the delay! I
So sorry for the delay! I don't get notified when there's comments, so I'm just now seeing this. The width is 4', the depth is 15" and the height is 42". Good luck!