After browsing through forums I came up with this idea...a versatile shop cart that I can insert my kreg jig and miter saw into...a stable base at a great working height.
I created this design in sketchup as well and will work on posting it as a plan if people are interested.
basically, the top is inset 3/4" to make room for the inserts. I created a work table insert (well two I split in half, so the kreg insert can take up the front half if I wanted to insert that.
Then I made the kreg jig insert
and the Miter saw insert
let me tell you...this came in handy right away as each of those inserts I made can be used without the cart as well and both inserts work tremendously!
I am really really happy with this and it is so useful. Started making the loft bed playhouse last night and the miter say and kreg jig were extremely useful at a good working height.

Mon, 02/25/2013 - 08:07
uses for shelves
My intention for the top shelf is to hold small tools that I am working with while using the cart and the bottom is to store the cut pieces of lumber I am using for the project
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 10:33
Post the plan
Please post the plans. This thing would make a great shop cart or miter saw stand.
I have one other suggestion: you could also use it as a small assembly table. You have a 3/4" inset. Stick a piece of plywood inside the exactly fits inside. Then screw a larger piece of plywood to that one. (DON"T screw it into the top of the cart.) The larger sheet of plywood would overhand the shop cart edges by maybe a foot on each size, so you'd have a "small" mobile assembly table that might 3x4 feet or 3x5 feet across at the top.
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 11:20
Please post
I would also like to see the plans for this cart. It looks nice and compact and versatile.
vic b
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 11:58
love the inserts
love the kreg jig insert.
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 12:10
Thanks everyone
@ david...I did make a workbench type top for it as well, just didn't post a pic of that.
I will get the plans together for this then and post it for everyone...I enjoy sharing with everyone so we all can learn and make quality things. I'll start working on that tonight.
Tue, 02/26/2013 - 10:55
Plans are done...check them out :)
here is the link to the plans