Thanks to the tips and tricks we picked up from Ana here, we were able to build our very own storage shed. We use it for storing our kayaking, sailing and camping gear for our company down here in the Bahamas (which is still a bit unorganized in the photo). It works so much better than what we had before in multiple kit sheds. We even have a loft up top for extra storage, electricity in there with a fan, fridge and lights... MAJOR UPGRADE :) We still need to paint it and finish a few things, but we are very thankful to have it up and being used.
My favorite thing is the door handle (a boat cleat) sliding barn door and the herringbone design for 'eye candy' :)
Thanks go out to Ana and her wonderful site! I would have never attempted this without the foundation I built here!

Sun, 04/14/2013 - 20:37
Sliding door
What did you use to make the sliding door? Can you upload pics? I really want to make one for my bathroom but all the hardware I find is really expensive.
In reply to Sliding door by jbayer80
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 11:29
I've read on some blogs people have found theirs at Lowes or Tractor Supply.
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 06:05
Barn Door Hardware
We built the door out of some T1-11 Siding, 1x4's and various scrap pieces. The hardware we used is this Stanley set here: http://www.stanleyhardware.com/default.asp?CATEGORY=HDW+BARN+BOX+TRACK&… Then we bought the steel track separately. This door is super heavy, but it rolls like a charm on the track. Does this help any? Good luck!
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 11:30
Love it
Great job and love that you also incorporated her laundry basket dressers!
In reply to Love it by spiceylg
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 11:42
And they work perfectly for
And they work perfectly for our camping gear and kayaking gear too :)
Sun, 05/05/2013 - 11:19
It looks amazing! Would you happen to have plans to share? We are in need we do not even have a garage. This would be perfect.
In reply to plans by mistievn
Sun, 05/05/2013 - 13:58
Not really any plans that would help. We just drew some rough sketches up some paper and kind of went from there. Between Ana's site here and this book: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Building-Shed-Build-Like-Pro/dp/1561586196 we just pieced things together with the space and money we had. The book just helped me a lot to plan it out, and then all of the building techniques Ana has taught me on here came in handy. It's a group effort :) Hope this helps!
Sun, 05/05/2013 - 16:00
Thank you
Yes thank you so much! Again it looks amazing, great job!