While browsing I ran across Ana's Mantel Molding Headboard (Pottery Barn Addison knockoff) and had to have one!
I stuck to her plans except that I used 3/4" boards instead of the 2x4's, made it wider (81") for a King size bed, used some different molding elements and gave it a professional looking finish with my airless paint sprayer. Most people who see it cannot believe it is not store bought.
This of course kicked off a whole remodeling effort including two additional DIY projects that came out great. Looking in the photos they are the boxed shells above the bed and the grass-cloth framed mirror. The bedroom is now one of our favorite rooms in the house!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Behr Clear Moon
Recommended Skill Level