Chippy Paint Finish Help!

Submitted by Evan_B on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 11:29

Giving a crack at the husky farmhouse dining table for my sisters wedding, but I can't seem to get the paint to chip, crackle, like the tutorial. Here are the steps I've taken:

- Sand with 120 grit power sander
- Apply Minwax Gel Stain
- Let dry for a few hours
- Apply light coat of General Finishes Milk Paint in Antique White
- Let dry for 4 hours
- Sand lightly to knock loose chips

After the milk paint has dried, it does not chip and looks like a regular paint finish. Do I need to use the same milk paint as her tutorial? The paint I'm currently using comes premixed by a different company. Do I need to use a lower or higher grit sandpaper? I'm completely lost as to why the finish isn't crackling / chipping. Thanks for any advice you guys can offer :)


Wed, 12/04/2013 - 14:37

Gave woodcraft a call and the sales rep told me that the general finishes milk paint is latex based and the Old Fashioned milk paint is not. That's most likely the problem, I'll report back if I figure it out ;)