My husband and I searched at least a hundred plans to find a simple bunk bed for our girls and Ana's Loft bed was a perfect base plan with a few changes. We wanted a lower bunk, top and bottom, since our girls are young (ages 5 and 2.5). The youngest just moved from the crib so by putting the bed lower we are able to skip the side rails. Overall we cut 10 inches off the height of the original loft bed plan and still have plenty of room in the lower bunk. I can sit up comfortably on the lower bunk and the youngest can even stand. We went with another 8 inch board for the top bunk rail, it was simpler then the rail with cap but achieved the same overall rail height. We knew we didn't want a ladder in their room because our 2 yr old is fearless. So for the stairs my husband just ended up winging it, loosely basing them on the Storage Stairs plan, creating basic cubes so we can still let light in and have storage. We also didn't want the steps to be high up in case the girls fall from them, which is more common then them falling off the top bunk. At 32 in. high (the bunk is 61 in) both of them can still climb in the top bunk without issue. At first the steps didn't have the tall "cube" at the back but the platform just wasn't that big so the long cube was an add on and gave it the perfect size and heft. We couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Thanks Ana for your awesome blog and the great plans that you post. My husband also built the original play kitchen and it is amazing! I'll have to do another post with pics of that.

Ana White
Mon, 03/10/2014 - 08:26
Love the mods!
This turned out super cute! Thanks for sharing!