Second project ive completed from Ana White, and I am very happy with how this bed turned out! The only thing I would fix would be the finish, I wanted it a bit whiter. not so creamy. Otherwise very quick and easy fun project to do. =)

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
1 coat of a basic latex white paint.
Then I sanded down just so raised grains would become exposed.
1 coat of dark walnut stain (wipe on with cloth)
Then I sanded down just so raised grains would become exposed.
1 coat of dark walnut stain (wipe on with cloth)
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project
Thu, 05/22/2014 - 16:34
Thank You Ana.
Thank you for sharing all of these awesome projects. I was always hesitant when it came to wood, but now I cant seem to stop!
Tue, 06/10/2014 - 08:13
More about your finish
How exactly did you achieve this finish? sand first, paint second, sand again and then stain?
In reply to More about your finish by JGoates
Wed, 06/11/2014 - 13:43
How I got the finish!
(You can do all this before or after your project is put together or not.)
Be sure to do a test piece before hand so you can see exactly what your getting :)
The first step I did once the head board and foot board were put together, was to sand any sharp edges or corners. I liked mine rounded and worn looking. I did not sand anything else.
Second step is to paint 1 even coat of a basic white latex paint.
Third step is to sand away some white paint. because we didnt sand it before hand the grains in the wood will be very bumpy. so the paint on the grains will sand off while the paint lower than the grain will remain. makes sense? hopefully i explained that right!
Fourth step is to now wipe on the stain of your choice. I went with Dark walnut. It stains the paint a bit bringing the white to a gray/brown tone. and stains the wood dark walnut so the grain patterns show up dark.
Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck!
Thu, 01/29/2015 - 07:49
What grit of sand paper did you use to sand off the white paint? and did you sand it by hand? Also, for the dark walnut stain, did you wipe off immediately or leave it on for a bit before wiping? Beautiful bed, I want to achieve this look!
In reply to sanding by jbogan15
Fri, 02/06/2015 - 09:15
Hi jbogan15, thank you!
Hi jbogan15, thank you!
For sanding I used a palm sander with 120 grit to get the job done a bit quicker, than went over lightly with 220. When staining I actually just dipped a rag in the stain and would wipe the stain on. =)
Good luck!
Fri, 01/27/2017 - 11:05
SIde rails
Love this look! Exactly what I am trying to achieve...A few questions about the side rails. How high did you connect them to the 4x4 posts and exactly how did you connect them? Did you use brackets or screw right into the posts? Thank You!
Thu, 09/05/2019 - 15:07
Mattress height
I have seen several beds from Anna White. I was wondering if the frame require a box spring mattress or not. If not, are the beds lower than what a traditional mattress and box springs are. Thanks !