Stabilize Ladder to wall

Submitted by jenakunz on Sun, 02/22/2015 - 16:37

I'm pretty new at this and have a bookshelf/ladder we are planning to build for my son's loft bed. The idea is to save some room in his bedroom since it's fairly small by combining the two. I want to make sure that the plan I do have doesn't end up with him on the ground and the bookshelf on top of him. If I continue with a straight up and down ladder-- would there be a way to reinforce it to the wall? The dimensions are 2'x'2'x4'10". The idea behind having a straight up and down ladder is that it is going to sit to the side of the bed, so he won't be coming straight up to it, he'll be climbing it and then turning to get into his bed. But if this plan seems to be unsafe, from those of you that have more experience, I am willing to do a tilted ladder. So with those above dimensions, I'd just bring each step, or shelf, in a bit.

I need ideas and help!