My brother in law recovered some mahogany boards from a job site so i jumped on the opportunity to use some real quality lumber in a project. Using the Triple Pedestal Farmhouse Table plans as a guide i built this 500lbs beauty. Boards are joined with biscuits, legs are glue joined and 4x4. legs are bolted to table top with 3/8-16 bolts and nut inserts. 6 inch black steel 5/8 11 bolts and nuts were used to hold the cross beam.
I decided to use tung oil on this dense wood with no stain at all.
The whole project took about 2 months working weekends. If you have any questions about the project you can contact me at xnight@aol.com. I am going to sell it since i dont have a need for it or the room.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Free reclaimed boards.
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Tung oil.
Recommended Skill Level