Over the Toilet Storage - Leaning Bathroom Ladder

over toilet bathroom storage ladder shelf
Beginner Projects
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Easy to make over the toilet storage leaning shelf - add storage for towels and tolietries without drilling holes in the wall!  You'll love our step by step plans with diagrams.

over toilet bathroom storage ladder shelf
over toilet bathroom storage ladder shelf
over toilet bathroom storage ladder shelf

Freestanding Over the Toilet Storage

It's a ladder shelf for over the toilet storage.  It was so easy to make, and very inexpensive, but adds a ton of storage and beauty - all without having to drill holes in the wall and hang something over the toilet.


The bottom shelf is just perfect for baskets, and the upper shelves are perfect for decor or toiletries.  


Easy Wood Stain Finish

A project this quick and simple requires an easy finish.  So I used Danish Oil - it's one VERY easy step that stains, seals and protects, all without brush marks.  It took me about 15 minutes to stain, seal and protect this shelf.

It is my new favorite way to finish pieces for sure now!  I did a post last week on Danish Oil and all the colors availabe here.  Go check it out and start using it, you will love it.  More building, less finishing  :)  And that's it for this over the toilet storage shelf!


over toilet ladder shelf dimensions
Dimensions shown above


Shopping List

2 – 2x3 @ 8 feet or stud length (can also use 1x3 or 2x4 if 2x3s cannot be sourced)

1 – 1x10 @ 24”

1 – 1x8 @ 24”

1 – 1x6 @ 24”

2 – 1x3 @ 6 feet

1-1/4” brad nails

1-1/4” wood screws

Cut List
  • 2 – 2x3 @ 72” (can also use 1x3 or 2x4 if 2x3s cannot be sourced) – both ends cut at 10 degrees off square, long point to short point, ends are parallel
  • 1 – 1x10 @ 24”
  • 1 – 1x8 @ 24”
  • 1 – 1x6 @ 24”
  • 3 – 1x3 @ 24”
  • 2 – 1x3 @ 10”
  • 2 – 1x3 @ 8”
  • 2 – 1x3 @ 6-1/4”
Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander


Step 1

Attach backs to shelves

Step 2

Measure and cut sides.  Attach to shelf and back.

Step 3

Place bottom shelf with a level and attach.

Add upper shelves.



Tue, 09/12/2017 - 10:10

Hi Ana - Saw this plan yesterday, will fit perfectly in my small bathroom that definitely needs it and I was planning to build it this weekend.  Problem is I viewed it last night and then today, it's off Ryobi's site.  Can you please provide your instructions online?  I'm fine with most of the instructions, except the angle cutting at the top of the 2x4s.  Thanks!


Sun, 09/08/2019 - 12:22

In similar fashion as kenped86, I got inspired by some of Ana's other pieces and was able to reduce lumber cost on my first ever furniture project by using cedar fence pickets.  5 pickets total and it was less than $13 where I am.  Sanding the pickets was well worth the time for cedar. The dog ears made a very nice angled corner on the shelves too.  Thanks, Ana! I cannot believe I made this as my first project.

Shared photo: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HXRkajNzLaMj2Tmo6


Mon, 10/12/2020 - 18:41

10 degrees off square. Basically cut a 10 degree angle at the exact corner of one of the sides of the feet on both legs. You then need to move the leg down to the opposite end and cut it the same way. Do not flip or turn the wood.

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