Make a scrap wood scooter toddlers ride on toys that is durable and adorable. Free plans by Ana-White.com

3/4" plywood scraps
1x2 scraps
2x2 scraps
3/4" dowel, 8" long
4 - high quality, non marking full swivel caster wheels with 3/4" screws for attaching casters to plywood bottom
1 - 3/4" plywood @ 2-1/2" x 11-5/8" - bevel bottom end at 10 degrees off square - front
1 - 3/4" plywood @ 15-3/4" x 8" - bottom
1 - 2x2 @ 10-5/8" - front cut at 10 degrees - center support
2 - 1x2 @ 4 - 5/8" both ends cut at 10 degrees parallel to each other, long point to short point - back legs
1 - 2x2 @ 4-1/4" both ends cut at 10 degrees not parallel, long point to long point - back support
1- 3/4" plywood @ 6" x 12-3/8" - front cut at 10 degrees off square, long point measurement - seat
1 - 1x2 @ 5" - seat back rest
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Now the front piece. I recommend plywood here over using a 1x3 just because plywood will support the handle bars better. The bottom needs to be cut a a 10 degree off square bevel. So I cut the plywood first into the right size, and then used the miter saw to bevel that front end (you could also set your circular saw to a 10 degree bevel and cut it).
Lady Goats
Fri, 10/14/2016 - 12:39
This is unbelievably adorable!
I love Jamie's version, but Olesya's paint job is melting my heart. Great plan!
Sun, 10/23/2016 - 19:57
Tips forward with taller child.
We built this and within minutes our three year old face planted causing a bloody nose and swollen lip. So just a word of caution if child is taller maybe make sure handle is behind front wheels a little farther like a bike. Also maybe add wheels where the angle starts to help stabilize base. We obviously have wild kids.
In reply to Tips forward with taller child. by Heather1924
Ana White
Mon, 10/24/2016 - 11:41
Thanks for Feedback!
Hi, thank you for feedback. We have a two year old an the only issue has been side tipping (which he also does on other ride ons) but haven't had a forward tipping issue. Your recommendations would help prevent that, I have noted in the plans. Thank so much for taking the time to share.