Looks like a retro tv but holds your ipad! Easy to build from scrap wood. Free tutorial by ANA-WHITE.com

About 3 feet of 1x6 board (depending on tablet size)
About 5 feet of 1x2 board (depending on tablet size)
About 1-1/2 feet of 1x4 board (depending on tablet size)
Scrap dowel pieces for "feet"
Measure tablet or iPad and add approx 1/4" to allow the ipad to slide in smoothly. Then figure measurements as shown below
2 - 1x6 @ tablet or iPad width + 3-1/2" (top and bottom)
2 - 1x2 @ tablet or iPad width + 2-3/4" (cleats)
1 - 1x6 @ tablet or iPad height
1 - 1x4 @ tablet or iPad height
2 - 1x2 @ tablet or iPad width + 3-1/2" (front frame top and bottom)
1 - 1x2 cut to fit @ tablet or Ipad height - 1-1/2"
1 - 1x4 cut to fit @ tablet or Ipad height - 1-1/2"