Turned my daughter's ordinary room into a cool hangout for many years to come. The frame fits a twin with a decent buffer on 3 sides for "stuff." I also built the headboard with a shelf for more "stuff!" Loft is 4' off the floor. Headboard was made with with 2/3" frame and scrap 5" t&g boards leftover from other project. Bed frame is made of 2x8s lag bolted to wall and supported by 4x4. Railing is made from 2x4s, 1x2s and 1x3s. The stain is a walnut Danish oil. Under the bed there are LED lights shining down on the seating area. The couch is made up of two separate folding chairs that turn into beds for sleepovers. Couches were purchased from Walmart and I built the base. Built in shelf in wall uses primed 1x4s.