new to forum...watched ana grow!

just thought I would check out other fellow builders and pose an important question....if I buy my husband a power tool for xmas....can I claim it as my own later on?? ....seems I have been doing a lot of power tool theft from the garage...a little about me....Im a mom, wife, grandma....crafter and specifically work on Primitive crafts and furniture....Halloween is my most creative and when I choose to sale my crafts a nice little nest egg....most of those days are gone due to my physical one days work on a project can land me non functional for 2 days....but its the quality that counts....

so im enjoying my time on this site...and making plenty of projects with the help of hubby....

and out of there a moderator or something....the first post I read was a tad wierd??


Fri, 07/05/2013 - 09:14

Must have been the post about GERD. LOL I read that one. As for claiming your husband tools as your own I do not see why not. How many times have you received a gift from your husband that deep down you knew he really wanted and he now uses all the time!!! Case in point. My Dear Hubby buys radio for the Kitchen. Thinking that I would enjoy one. He doesn't listen to country music and I don listen to his kind of music. I may have used the radio once or twice. I use it to tell time but tell me everyday I come home from work he isn't using the radio. So the way I see it is if they can do that to us Ladies we certainly can do it to them.

By the way I am new too.


Wed, 09/25/2013 - 19:09

I agree, why buy two sets of tools when his are just sitting out there waiting for someone to need them. I have recently learned to use the nail gun and it is awesome! Everyone needs to use a nail gun, so powerful and easy.

By the way, I bought my own set of basic tools that I keep hidden so that I will always know where they are. Someone has a habit of losing things...

I just discovered this site a few weeks ago, have just finished my first project and am totally addicted.