This was my first time building anything! The plans were so easy to follow along! Once I master some things like this, I can work on fine tuning things a bit more so I can build some more intricate plans. Thanks so much for your website! My kids are loving the BBQ's outside at the table!
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
I haven't added a finish yet but will be soon.
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project
Tue, 06/02/2020 - 15:09
cut list error?
re the farm table. your cut list calls for 8 2 x 4 at 28 1/2 inches but the plan actually only needs 4 of them. The pics do not show you doubling the 2 x 4s for legs. Am I missing something.