Hi there!
There is a picture of a great wine rack/bar on the "Photos" page that says it's modified from the wall cubby. It's EXACTLY what I've been looking for! Are there plans for this project on the blog and maybe I'm just missing it? I'm new to this site so I wasn't sure. Please help!
thank you!
Tue, 09/28/2010 - 10:11
I was looking for them too and someone said they are just modified plans from many things on the site. My husband and I are building this as we speak with our make shift plans. I plan on posting when we are done.
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 10:32
Great! I can't wait to see it! I'm trying to talk my husband into helping me make one so maybe if he sees that someone else tried it he'll be more excited about it. Good luck!