Made this Accessory Holder as a Christmas gift for a male cousin to hold his phone, watch, ring, glasses, and wallet. Comes apart for easy movement. I like the two-tone of the stains and the simplicity of the holder. Router kept giving a bit of kickback, biting into the wood where it was unwanted, hence the messy cord line, but as with most of my projects, I don't mind the mistakes that make them more "unique". Artistic choice? : ) Also difficult was figuring out the angle to cut the opening slot for the side piece. It needed to be angled to set the side piece just how I wanted it. Eventually decided on 10 degrees.
The idea for this holder was based on this:…
Don't read the site- it was clearly written by a bot or ESL individual, because it's mostly gibberish. Just used the image for inspiration.
I freehanded a design that then was drawn on the wood and had plenty of fittings and mockup pieces made throughout to figure out how things would fit. Fun challenge, great gift.