I built this caddy to celebrate a 4th birthday party for a sweet little girl. I used pine scraps, painted it with some leftover pink paint, and then created some name artwork and a little logo with her initial. I made the art on my computer (in Adobe Illustrator) held up a piece of notebook paper to the screen and traced it with a pencil. Then I held it on my caddy and used a mechanical pencil with the lead down to press the indent into the wood. Filled that in with a silver paint pen and traced it with a fine tip black sharpie. Then filled each cubby with a large mason jar from Walmart (about 50 cents each) and filled them with art supplies. It turned out so cute! And it's a great way to use up some scraps.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
free, from scraps
Estimated Time Investment
An Hour or Two (0-2 Hours)
Finish Used
two coats of pink latex paint
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project