I loved the Idea of new closet doors and hated the idea of bi-folds. My house is crooked it seems. The doors don't sit straight and bi-folds always fall off their tracks. When I came upon the plans for Bypass Doors from Old Paint Designs I was hooked! I made 4 doors for the hallway in 1 day, oiled it with Danish Oil in Dark Walnut, hung it the next day and what a difference!! Glass is rather expensive in Hawaii and so is plexi-glass so I opted for Bead Board which gave it a more "country" feel instead of a more modern feel. I wish I could have used glass but the $150 price tag just wasn't fitting into my budget very well. My hubby loved the bypass doors so much he asked me to build them for our open closet. 2 days of work, 8 doors, 2 closets done!
Thu, 01/26/2012 - 13:48
Those turned out great. Love
Those turned out great. Love the bead-board and color.
Thu, 01/26/2012 - 21:10
Very Nice!
Very Nice!
Thu, 01/26/2012 - 23:24
Wow! Those turned out great!
Wow! Those turned out great! I love the idea of using beadboard - so creative!
In reply to Wow! Those turned out great! by oldpaintdesign
Fri, 02/17/2012 - 17:13
Thanks OPD!
Thank you for your plans...love them. I've been asked to help a friend of mine build some doors for his house!
Jilley27 (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 15:27
Bypass Closet Doors
Great job on the doors! I am interested in doing this myself. I will have to make 4 doors for my closet as well since I have such a large opening. Can you tell me what the measurments of your closets are? Also what are the dimensions of the pine that you used? Thanks a bunch!
In reply to Bypass Closet Doors by Jilley27 (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 18:44
My closet opening is about 8'
My closet opening is about 8' across. Each door is 26" wide and 79" tall. I made them so the would have a 1" overlap on each side...
I used 1x6 @ 8' lengths of pine. I like the really knotty pine with lots of character! Have fun building! These were pretty simple to make once you get all the boards cut.