Made this for our daughter's American Girl doll for Christmas. The mattress is a basic box pillow, made out of the cheapest bleached muslin from Joann, and stuffed with polyfill. I had to make a couple before I got it right. It needed to be a little longer and wider than the dimensions of the bed to fill the space all the way. It's been a while since I made them, but I'm pretty sure I cut the box corners at 2" and added an inch to the width and length of the actual bed measurements, plus a 1/2" seam allowance on each side. It makes for a feather bed look. The coverlet is 2 pieces of broadcloth sewn right sides together (leaving an opening to turn) and then turned right side out. Then I sewed trim in rows down the front. The blanket at the foot of the bed is furry minky fabric from Joann. It was really fun to build this bed and design the bedding. Thanks for the plans! My daughter loved this!

Tue, 03/19/2013 - 13:52
This bedding is gorgeous!!
This bedding is gorgeous!!
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 05:51
Another bed that came out great, but that bedding, wow! Especially love that little rosette pillow!