Console Bookshelf

Submitted by jlamorey on Fri, 11/04/2011 - 12:10

A bookshelf to help with the everyday clutter in our kitchen.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Used MinWax Ebony stain and rub on poly
Recommended Skill Level



Sat, 11/05/2011 - 12:07

Glad to see someone build this plan--have been considering it, but wanted to see a finished photo. Thanks!


Sun, 05/26/2013 - 11:04

The plan shows a total width of 39" but that's a bit too much for me (I'm mostly just wanting to store reference books next to my desk and don't need that much space). I like the proportions on your build, can you say how wide it is? (I'm assuming it's not 39", unless you have some massive countertops!)
