As a solo and novice woodworker, it took me a while to get used to the pocket hole jig and longer to cut the wood myself but eventually it all came together. To ensure I could get it out of the house if I move, I used circle 8 desktop fasteners to fasten the plywood top to the risers. I am proud I finished and love to use the table now for both craft work and breakfast on the weekends.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Top is oak plywood finished with Danish oil.
Shelves are pine with Minwax oak stain
Paint is Valspar chalk paint: Kid Gloves for the outside and Bonnet Ribbon for the interior, all finished with Satin finishing wax.
Shelves are pine with Minwax oak stain
Paint is Valspar chalk paint: Kid Gloves for the outside and Bonnet Ribbon for the interior, all finished with Satin finishing wax.
Recommended Skill Level