We used pine boards for the carcass, a solid aspen panel 15" deep from lowes that we had lowes cut to fit. The doors are select pine simply because there were no suitable 1x12 boards. Hinges were from Home Depot- the lowes ones didn't come with a template. We tiled the inside with 7 boxes of "aspect" stainless steel self stick tiles from Home Depot. We drilled a hole in thr back piece (which is MDF, also cut to fit from lowes) to accommodate a cord, and I carved the hole through the tiles with a utility knife. It wasn't ideal, but it's hidden by my lights. No crown molding, and no trim because 1. We couldn't decide on any and 2. We like it this way for now. We had lowes cut every single board for this so we only had to screw and glue. The hinges were a challenge since we are newbs, but we figured it out in the end. In the future we are going to be more careful to check for square. The plan doesn't include shelves, which we have yet to install and we aren't entirely sure how we will. If you had the Kreg shelf hole driller rig thing that would be ideal..
Crucial detail: we shortened this project by slicing inches off the center section in the plan. Maybe took 5" off total.

$70 for the tiles. Don't bother with home depot's tile trim- it won't fit, and it's not really suited for this application.