First I'd like to thank Ana for everything she does. Without her i would have never started building furniture, and without her I would have never picked up Google Sketchup and learned how to design my own furniture.
Ana, I can't thank you enough for the skills, hobby, and confidence you have given me. Thank you thank you thank you!
I attached this to the floating shelves plan because it is what inspired us to design this. And I chose intermediate because of figureing out the angles and for finding the studs in the wall and properly/securely mounting it so little ones don't get hurt.
Since moving into our new home Matt and I have been using my great-grandmother's old sideboard as a tv stand. Our house (and living room) is very small so I've been wanting to mount the tv on the wall in the corner and Matt's been wanting to buy a smaller tv stand. I did not want to do it his way because we have a large hyper dog running around knocking everything over, lol.
So after recieving an extra tv wall mount from my parents and mounting the tv in the corner like I wanted, we brainstormed and created this "floating" table/shelf to hold Matt's game systems and our dvd's. Its off the floor and out of Buck's destruction path, but it also made the room look so much larger!
***This plan was not designed to hold the weight of a tv. While it is plenty strong enough to hold the movies, game systems, dvd-vcr, and the chance his 6 year old decides she's a rock climber, we have no idea its actual weight capasity.