Made this chair in two days - very hot TX days, so only worked a few hours outside each day. paint was dry as they arrived for a Sunday visit. The Mom is going to paint, decorate it at their home. The white is a mold primer paint, that should hold up nicely. I did add an extra cross piece at the back, after the back rest was attached. The seat seemed to need more attachment points. I also used two 1x6 boards for the seat, flush at the back with a slight overhang at the front and cut the seat to 17" with an overhang to the sides. this gave the seat a small gap for a grip to assist with the climb up. Grandson is 2.5 yrs old. He was excited to have a big boy chair.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Grandson's Dine chair at main table