We started from the benchmark media console plan, but then adapted it to our room and needs.
It's entirely made of plain wood (no plywood, except for the drawers bottom) which probably adds to the cost a little, but gives a very nice finish! All the boards (for table top, shelves and sides) are made from 1x4, assembled with wood glue and pocket holes.
The doors are made of glass cut to fit, and glued with silicone.
Only trouble was with the door hinges.. Since we wanted them to be concealed inside but I hate Euro-Style hinges, so we ended up finding Soss "invisible hinges" that conceal in the thickness of the door, and used a dremel as a router to install them... This proved a bit more challenging than anticipated, but all in all it worked out pretty well.

Sand carefully the pine with fine grain (~200) before staining, otherwise the dark stain will turn the wood almost black!