Kaitlyn's Crib

Submitted by MCdesigns on Sun, 11/06/2016 - 10:05

So this is my first post of one of my projects, and super excited to share!   I have to say this is one of the most rewarding projects I have ever done.  First time Dad and so excited to meet her!  My wife is now 35 weeks. I have built many furniture projects in the past but I will admit this one intimidated me more than anything.  There are so many safety regulations on cribs and so many stories and blogs online about child safety it made my head spin.  I almost let the fear get the best of me and just bought a crib.....but the DIY in me said NO, and here it is!  After it is all said and done I couldn't be more happy and a proud Father at the same time!  I am still working on finishing this project, so I will add more pics as they come along.  We will be painting it a light gray color and top coating with a water based polycrylic. This is made to be convertable, and will also become a Full size bed.  Thank you Ana White and other users for inspring us all! 

Estimated Cost
Around $280. I buy all my lumber as rough stock from a local hardwood supplier, and joint/plane myself.
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Behr Latex paint/ Minwax water based polycrylic
Recommended Skill Level



Tue, 02/27/2018 - 12:02

This crib is terrific and just what I am looking to build for my son and daughter in law.  Do you have any dimensions or even rough plans you could share?  I will certainly work ast sketching m own but if you have something you are willing to share it would serve as a great starting point.

Thanks so much,



Wed, 02/28/2018 - 06:37

My wife and I are going to be first time grandparents in the spring and have been asked by our son and daughter-in-law to build a crib - one just like the one you built.  I think it wil be a fun project.  Could you share any dimensions, drawings or other pictures rom your build?  You can reach me at my email address:  greyboarder@gmail.com.

