After building a small dinghy, and a slightly longer pirogue, I was ready to build something else. I was looking at another boat, but to save my marriage my lovely wife suggested something more... practical. So my summer project was a surprise loft bed for my 12 year old son. He was staying with his grandparents for most of the summer so I had a month or so to work on it. This was my first piece of furniture and I'm very proud of it.
I did modify the plans a bit. I added a shelf to use as a nightstand, because you need a place for your water bottle, book, tissues, etc.
I made the desktop significantly deeper so that it was more useable.
I moved the ladder to the end of the bed and made it wider.
I added a towel bar to one end.
I added a drawer under the desktop.
and lastly I put corkboard on the side of the bookcase.

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 03:48
What a great build! Love all of the mods and attention to detail! Was he beyond excited? I know, I would have been, ha!
Sat, 11/24/2012 - 03:50
What a great build! Love all of the mods and attention to detail! Was he beyond excited? I know, I would have been, ha!
In reply to Wow! by spiceylg
Sat, 11/24/2012 - 09:23
He loves it.
He was excited. It replaced one of those cheap metal loft beds you can buy at Wal-mart. The old bed was kind of wobbly and made creeky noises every time he moved. he loves having bookshelves and a nightstand. I'd have posted his exited face photo but I ran out of photo slots. =)
I also made him a locker to go with it. So there were no excuses for not hanging up his jacket.
I love this site!
Sun, 03/08/2015 - 10:20
I am getting ready to build my 5 yr old a loft bed. I have been searching for a design I want to use and I would like to more or less use yours, if that's okay? I don't want to use one of the kids designs because I want it to grow with her. I want to add stairs and a higher banister. I'll probably paint it white or something.