Submitted by spiceylg on Tue, 12/09/2014 - 06:28

I will be getting together with my girl's group and exchanging ornaments, which are supposed to be handmade. I was determined to use only what I had on-hand. I didn't use a plan and this is what I came up with. I did have to go buy the bling, sparkles and a hook but I had everything else. I'm pretty happy with it. By the way those pedals are made from wood biscuits! Not sure why this is uploading sideways as its not sideways in my file.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
An Hour or Two (0-2 Hours)
Finish Used
Valspar sample paint jar for background, sorry don't know color. Sharpie paint pens in red and silver for lettering.
Recommended Skill Level