I never built anything before this. I really wanted a sturdy wooden kitchen for my son for Christmas but they were sooo expensive. Then I found this plan and decided to give it a try. And I did it! All by myself with no real experience (seriously, I had to buy a drill for the project). It isn't perfect but my son doesn't know (or care) and I had fun doing it. Note that as we have it placed across the threshold from carpet to tile floor, I currently have a board underneath to level it. I modified to put a door on the sink since I don't sew and thought the curtain might look a bit feminine on my son's kitchen.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
hard to say since I had lots of start up costs, maybe $130? could do for more or less
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
I believe the green paint is "Olivine".
Recommended Skill Level