This is my first try at building furniture. I've built larger things in the past like decks and a fort for my nephews, but never furniture. Even though I used the plans to build the main box, I did change up the bottom and added some new stuff. I added wheels to the bottom my wife could easily move it around her classroom. I didn't want to put a square base on it because I thought it might hit her ankles when she was standing close to it. So I sort-of notched it out to give an opening for her feet and I used some scraps to create a short shelf at the bottom. I also added more trim that the plans call for. I cut strips of the pine plywood for the base molding and topped it with quarter round. I used corner trim for the front corners, the self inside and the bottom notched shelf. I also used screen trim for the back of it. I think it came out nice and I've very pleased with it. I used 2 coats of Minwax PolyShades American Chestnut on it.

Sat, 11/30/2024 - 17:03
Can you send me the plans…
Can you send me the plans and step by step of podium please.
Fri, 01/31/2025 - 13:55
You did a good job on this podium.
I am a AG teacher and my school is wanting us to build a couple of Podiums in are wood shop. Could I get a copy of our plans that you used and it you have a material list. Thank you
My school email is mknapp@koshk12.org
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:30
Podium Plans
Hi, my name is Chris and I'm the building trades teacher at LCACTC, a career center for high school students and I was wondering if I could get the plans for the podium. My intro class has two to podiums to build for the National Guard.