Rocking Moses Basket Stand

I made this over a weekend when this plan first was posted and have meant to upload these; however, this can be done in a day if you know what you are doing with the rockers. The main difference between the plan and mine was I kept the top of the rocker square, which made it a bit easier to attach the legs to it. I also made the mistake of making the curvature of the rocker too steep, which does not allow for smooth rocking and instead makes the rocker sort of hit only only 3 points.

The advice I can offer on this, is to print out the rocker from the plan. I forced the picture to be as long as I wanted to rockers, then printed it out on multiple pages, taped it together and traced. If I had done this from the start my rockers would have gone much faster; instead, I did my own trace, then figured out it was too steep and then had to take what I had done apart and fix them with the stencil.

All in all, this was pretty easy and I spent under $8 on lumber, which is really awesome.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
$40-50 (lumber and basket. add a bit more for stain if you have none)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Dark Walnut
Recommended Skill Level


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