This was our first time using the kreg jig. We bought the recommended $99 one and boy was it worth it. Can see a lot of kreg jigging in my future! :) We cut the legs at 35" and omitted the arches so it can be stored under the kitchen counter. The crawl-in space is definitely a little tight, but he's getting the hang of it after just one day of practice. We built the tip resisters, but haven't added them yet. It seems sturdy enough without them for our cautious 17-month-old, but I suspect we'll have to attach them when he gets bigger and more rambunctious. We sanded the edges liberally, and notched the top four corners to avoid taking eyes out. We also added felt pads to the bottom of each leg so it doesn't damage our wood floors.
Tue, 06/18/2013 - 20:07
Update 3 months later
The tower gets constant daily use. My son is now 20 months and pushes the tower around the kitchen to access counters and light switches. Definitely the #1 most used baby item in our home!