We are building a small rental cabin in the Red River Gorge and I needed a sofa table to do double duty. We needed a place for people to eat that would also be a useful sofa table when lounging. I modified this piece from the plan; very beginner friendly I’d say, lol. The bottom is painted glossy black and the top is stained a grayish blue. Galvanized hardware finished it off on top. I chose not to use the side arms once I brought it inside.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
$65, I used scraps for the base. I already had the stain and varnish. Biggest cost was the galvanized pipe.
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
Black gloss paint for base and gray blue stain (my own concoction) for top.
Recommended Skill Level
Ana White Admin
Wed, 11/11/2020 - 09:30
Perfect Solution!
It looks great and super functional! Thanks for sharing:)