I wanted a square coffee table, so I adjusted the Rustic X Coffee Table plans to fit my dimensions. The table top is 38.5 by 38.5.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Varathane quick drying dark walnut stain.
First coat of varnish was spray on shellac, then 2 coats of wipe-on poly.
After the poly was cured, I rubbed it down with 0000 fine steel wool and wax then buffed it out after the wax dried.
First coat of varnish was spray on shellac, then 2 coats of wipe-on poly.
After the poly was cured, I rubbed it down with 0000 fine steel wool and wax then buffed it out after the wax dried.
Recommended Skill Level