A few years ago our family vacationed in Watercolor, on the northwest Florida coast. We loved the house we stayed in so much when we returned home we put our house up for sale so we could build a home similar to the one we stayed in. One of the features we loved so much was the large covered front porch and most of all the swing bed it showcased. My wife spent every morning and night that week relaxing in that swing. I promised my wife then that I would make sure got her own swing. Thanks to Ana White, she was back in her (new) swing last night.
I began with the "Large Modern Porch Swing" plan and made some changes. I wanted to use a twin size mattress so I increased the size of the swing's base. Also, because the mattress was 6" I lifted the arms and back. The arms are the biggest and best change I think. I had seen someone else do similar arms, but I they used an 1x12 I think. I wanted a heavier look, so I used a 2x10.
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 14:55
So...when should I stop by with margaritas?? This swing is awesome! So impressive. I'm going to have to keep it in mind for the home we're building. Great work
Wed, 07/17/2013 - 13:56
Porch Swing / Bed
Do you use a regular twin mattress? What do you do when it rains?
Sun, 09/14/2014 - 07:20
Screen porch
Screen porch