I had some leftover yellow pine, and when I saw addictedtodiy.com's Fall Centerpiece post (http://addicted2diy.com/2013/10/31/diy-fall-centerpiece/), I knew what I wanted to do with it. That's right - make my own version.
Now if you view Katie's post, she obviously has a much larger table than I do, but if you like hers, she did a very good tutorial on how she created hers. I think both are beautiful.
I fit mine to my dining space and the jars that I had saved. I also modified my version to take advantage of my kreg jig since I am sadly lacking my own nail gun. One day, I will have one. One day.
If you want more specifics, take a trip to my blog post (http://www.trekkiemom.com/2014/05/table-centerpiece.html) for my exact cuts, etc.