I made the Traditional Wood Toddler Bed in a weekend and it turned out great! I did add a twist though: A chalkboard replaces the wainscot!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Used a chalkboark panel from Home Depot instead of the wainscot.
Used a hand router to round all of the edges to give it a softer feel.
Had to extend the length of the bed by 1/2" to accomodate a Greco toddler mattress. (Check your mattress size before you build!)
Used a hand router to round all of the edges to give it a softer feel.
Had to extend the length of the bed by 1/2" to accomodate a Greco toddler mattress. (Check your mattress size before you build!)
Recommended Skill Level