Apothecary Console

apothecary console table
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This beautiful apothecary console features three open cubbies perfect for storing entertainment controllers, four drawers and two cabinets, all concealed by door fronts that look like an apothecary cabinet. Loved by so many, this console is easy to build and can add that touch of character to your family room.


Apothecary Console
Dimensions are shown above.


Shopping List
  • 2 – Sheets of 3/4″ MDF or Plywood, cut into 15 1/2″ wide strips, 8′ Long
  • 1 – 1/4″ Plywood or Lauan or MDF (for the back)
  • 1 – 12′ long 1×6
  • 1- 8′ long 1×6 Boards
  • 2 – 1×2 Boards
  • 2″ self tapping star bit screws
  • 1 1/4″ self tapping star bit screws
  • Wood Glue
  • Wood Filler
  • Finishing Supplies
Common Materials
120 grit sandpaper
wood conditioner
paint brush
Cut List
  • 3 – 1×16 @ 61 1/2″ (Shelves)
  • 2 – 1×16 @ 16 1/4″ (Bottom Dividers)
  • 2 – 1×16 @ 14 3/4″ (Drawer Dividers)
  • 2 – 1×16 @ 7″ (Top Dividers)
  • 2- 1×16 @ 27″ (Sides)
  • 1 – 1/4″ Plywood @ 63 x 27″ (Back)
  • 3 – 1×6 @ 65″ (Top)
  • 1 – 1×2 @ 61 1/2″ (Inset front footer)
  • 2 – 1×2 @ 15 1/2″ (Side Footer)
  • 1 – 1×2 @ 64 1/2″ (Front Footer)
Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander


Step 1

Box Partitions Begin by marking out all the joints on both sides of the boards as shown above. Don’t forget that the boards are 3/4″ thick. Then beginning on the bottom partition (yellow) attach the green partition. Now attach the yellow boards to the purple. Finally, attach the blue boards to the purple. Use 2″ screws and glue. Remember, you can click on images to see a full size view.

Step 2

Finish the Box Begin by marking joints on both sides of the boards. Then attach with 2″ screws and glue the top to the top partitions. Then attach the sides to all of the shelves and the top, ash shown above.

Step 3

Back Cut your 1/4″ plywood as shown above. Then use 1 1/4″ nails and glue to attach the back to the box. Don’t forget to fasten to all of the partitions and shelves. Make sure your project is nice and square before attaching the back. The measurements shown here are slightly different from the cut list because I choose to make the cabinet slightly taller for drawer reasons, but either measurement would work just fine.

Step 4

Top Using 1 1/4″ screws and glue, fasten the top boards to the top. Notice that there is a 1″ overhang on the front and the sides, but the back rests flush with the back edge of the sides.

Step 5

Step 6

Footer, Front Using 1 1/4″ Screws or nails and glue, fasten the front footer to the pieces from step 5. Keep outside edges flush.

Step 7

Drawers and Doors: Click here for Part 2 


Jenessa (not verified)

Thu, 04/29/2010 - 23:26

this one needs a love button! i'm itching to start building, but we're getting ready to move in the next few weeks (military never knows exact date, of course). but i'll have plenty of room to build. DH is hot on getting our son a new bed (i'm trying to figure out what's wrong with what he has now... "it's not a big boy bed" what?), so i think that'll be my first project. thank you so much for taking the time and being so wonderful with sharing all your plans. you are flipping fantastic!

elei (not verified)

Thu, 04/29/2010 - 23:35

LOOOOOOOOOOVE this!! Apothecary consoles always remind me of that episode of friends where Rachel gets one ... from Pottery Barn and plays it off to Phoebe that itʻs vintage. Phoebe is devastated when she finds out it was from PB...LOL!!! Love this...thanks.

Carla (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 00:16

With your redesigned larger interior spaces instead of the small apothecary drawers, I can also see this easily becoming a media center with a few holes for cords drilled in the back as needed. You're amazing, Ana!

tammy (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 01:01

I have been looking for something to put in my foyer. I think this will be just perfect!!! Thanks !!!

Chrystal (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 01:55

Ooohhh! I am so excited! I acutally have the wood for this project already cut and in my garage! Your blog has inspired me so much that I made up my own plans for this based on some of your other projects! Glad to see that I was on track ~ I'll send pictures soon! Thanks~and~go to sleep right now!

Bobishi (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 02:05

Oh my gosh! I love it! Perfect for as a TV unit... many are really low and are too "accessible" to our house bunny! YAY for high shelves!:)
I wanna build it right now!
Thanks Ana! You're the best!

Mychelle (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 02:30

Love it! Can't wait until I am "advanced" enough to build it. I think I need to buy a pickup truck so I can haul all the wood home for my projects. :-) I just have to say I can't believe PB charges $1,000 and they can't even bother to put hidden hinges on the thing to maintain the illusion of a real apothecary cabinet. I looked at their photos and the first thing I saw wasn't how cool it was, but those darned hinges ruining (my opinion, of course) the look. I just love the apothecary furniture and can't wait to get myself set up to build.

Thanks Ana!

Amanda (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 03:07

I love all your stuff, but I am particularly excited about this post! I love the look of an apothecary cabinet, and I actually considered spending the $XXXX PB charges for their version. Just Monday, I also considered spending $XXXX for a real apothecary cabinet at an antique mall. I am THRILLED (imagine even bigger font) to see that I can build the look I want. Thank you forever for these plans!!

GreenerLinen (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 03:13

This would make a PERFECT media cabinet.
I'm not going to be building this in my tiny apartment any time soon, but I think it's LOVELY.
Also I'm digging the new layout, very clean looks great.

Cottage on the Hill (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 03:26

OHHHHH Ana!! You read my mind! I was drooling over this console the other day while looking thru the new PB catalog. Thanks so much...

nillabeans6 (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:04

I was wishing over one on Craigslist the other day, too, thinking that wouldn't be something I could build. Then my husband said "You can't actually store anything in one of those because the drawers are too small." My hopes were dashed--until NOW!!! Thank you, Ana! You are incredible.

Ryan and LeDawn (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:15

I LOVE it! I actually HAD to do a post on my blog about this peice and link to you and here a tid bit of what I said:

I have had this love/slight obsession with anything and everything apothecary for as along as I can remember! I believe it stemmed from a friends episode with Rachael buying an apothecary table at Pottery Barn and Phebe flipping out when she realized where it was from. I have been enamoured since that episode! And I find it kind of ironic how that episode was about Pottery Barn and Ana with Knock-Off Wood was threatened by PB! I'm chuckling...

Seriously, in love! Thanks for all your hard work and sharing your talent!

Leslie (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:16

OH-MY-GOSH! You have been reading my mind, haven't you? I have been wanting one of these for what seems like forever. Just the other day, I was looking through a magazine, saw one and thought "Gosh, I wonder if I should request these plans on KOW?" And todaaaaaaaaaaay, here it is!

Thank you ever so much for this super perfect hack! You rock!

April (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:23

I saw this and thought it would be an awesome media cabinet too! Great minds I guess. I haven't built anything yet, but there a tons of things that I want to build and this guy is on the list!

Katie C (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:30

Yes, definitely a LOVE button! I opened your blog only to gasp and sigh all at the same time. I'm not on facebook so here is a LOVE,LOVE,LOVE button from me. I need a kitchen buffet and this will work perfectly to hold (not dishes!) but my kid's art supplies so they are on hand, but out of the way. I too think of "Friends" and smile. Thank you Ana! I can't wait to attempt my very first project!

3Janes (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:31

Shucks at 2AM I would make the same your mistake too! Love your stuff Ana!! :-)) Don't quit please, you're doing great!!

Meredith (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:53

It is so hard to choose! Our house is really just a blank slate because we have just gutted the place. Everytime I think I am ready to start building some more stuff, you post another plan and I rethink the entire design of our rooms!!! To many wonderful ideas!!!


mwoolfenden (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:55

this is great! i am going to chop the top cubbies off and make it just the 'tiny drawers' and it will be the new media console that i wanted! well after i finish my other projects anyway, but its on my list!!thank you ana!

KRISTINA CIPOL… (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 04:59

LOVE this project! Ok DH and I are doing this, as well as some patio chairs! Thank you so much for drawing up plans for this project! :)

Ashley (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 05:08

I can't wait to build this and see what others come up with! Thanks girlie for staying up till 2.

Mindy (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 05:41

I am LOVING this! I am making the farmhouse bed this weekend and was going to make the other dresser you have posted but now definitely considering this as my dresser instead. Love it!

Melanie Beth (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 06:02

i love it! i've been wanting to build something for my dining room and i think this might be just the thing!

Karen (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 06:15

I have been following KOW for a while now and love everything that is posted, but today... TODAY, I found the item that I've been dreaming of! Our old (circa 1995) 27" TV went on the blink but the new flat-screens won't fit in our custom entertainment center (which was made by my Dad to fit the 27" TV), so we've put off buying a new flat-screen. Now that I've found this media console, I can see a new TV in our future! Thank you Ana for everything you do and post here. It's just a fantastic thing to do!

Jaime (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 06:44

I was just thinking TWO days ago how much I loved the idea of an apothecary style cabinet for DVD/CD storage! YOU READ MY MIND!!! I love the plans ... and even more ... I LOVE THE LAYOUT of the page!! Very visually friendly. :D Thanks a bunch! I can't wait to get started on this!

Jeff (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 08:13


Thanks for your plans. I haven't been able to start any quite yet, but my list grows longer by the day.



Susie (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 08:28

Wow! Love this Ana, THANK YOU! This is exactly what I need as a media console! I love your site and look forward to new posts daily. I have a huge list of projects already and am looking forward to getting some helpful tools for Mother's Day! Thanks again!

The Cookie Lover (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 08:52

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Can't wait to make one! I'm transitioning from sewing to building to be my favorite hobby! I make custom window treatments to fund my building projects!

Marissa (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 09:51

You seriously have THE COOLEST blog EVER!! I love it. I found you about a month ago and I'm so excited to make something but I haven't decided what yet. I need some shelves for my sewing studio so I think I might start there. I really like the look of the expedit ones that Ikea has, do you have any plans similar to those?

Shelly (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 12:44

I would love for you to also post an option to build the tiny drawers as this is a feature I want to incorporate into the kitchen cabinets I plan to build.

Sara (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 17:28

I love everything you put up!!! What TV Channel would you like a show on I will seriously write them and we could get all your fans to sign it saying you deserve a show!!!!

Vanilla Comfort (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 19:39

Sponsoring posts is a great idea ANA! You are turning out to be quite the savvy business-mama on top of being a builder-mama. If I had something to advertise I would. Maybe when my blog gets going! That other single mama took the words right out of my mouth. I actually did cry when I looked at the PB catalog last night. Not because I realized I would never be able to afford anything, but because I realized I could actually BUILD whatever I want! Including the apothacary chest! I was going to ask for this! I love it. My favorite project lately though is that dresser Cameron made. WOW. Amazing. I want to make one exactly like it. I can't believe thats a second project. WOW.

The Dafoe Family (not verified)

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 21:21

Thank you so much! I have been trying to rework your "red media cabinet" designs to be more like the photo one of your followers posted but my hubby works at Pogo (I am guessing you know what that means) and I have two kids under 3 = no brain power left! I picked out turquoise stain (to match our living room quilt) but hubby wanted natural so we havent gotten anywhere (I was also turning the bottom part of our bar into a chalkboard, crocheting two fat birdys, hosting a playdate, and cleaning the 1 acre yard) and this popped up tonight! I have this penciled into the calendar in two weeks we are making this (hopefully with my nail gun mothers day present! Hubby is cuttign wood next weekend so I Sat is taken :( Might just get started without him lol!)

Chantelle - Th… (not verified)

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 03:23

As I walked through a museum's antique village setting, they had a vintage apothecary cabinet complete with tiny drawers in their "pharmacy"! I knew I loved the look but found the storage completely impractical - thanks for bringing the best of both the look and the practicality of storage together! I LOVE this, too!

: ) Paula (not verified)

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 18:42

May I suggest another alternative to paying a sitter so you don't need to stay up until 2am? I absolutely love your blog and would continue to love it even if you posted half as often. And I'm quite sure your readership would understand a adjusted publishing pace, especially if it means that you get to both spend time with your daughter AND get to bed before 2am. (Might work?) Best wishes in your blog and family endeavors, Ana! Thanks for being such an inspiration.

bequi (not verified)

Tue, 05/04/2010 - 06:41

I agree with Paula. I would be perfectly content with one project a week, and maybe one bragging board.

Don't wear yourself out! We appreciate everything you do, but don't ruin your health or your time with your daughter just so we can build a table.

By the way, this is GORGEOUS and I think I want to replace the stupid cupboard THING my TV is on right now. THANKS!

Shanna (not verified)

Fri, 05/07/2010 - 08:11

I love this soooo much! It's all I think about now.....I'm having a hard time convincing my husband to let me build this. He likes our ratty torn up console with broken glass doors. I think I might have to kill him if he won't let me replace it. He says I can only build it if I put his favorite football teams' logo on the cabinet doors instead of the false drawer fronts. :( That will just ruin it I think....

ekd (not verified)

Mon, 05/31/2010 - 15:41

I'm about half way through this one. I knew that I wanted to stain and not paint, so I'm sort of on the fence as to my choices of materials. I used mdf for the skeleton. And wood for the exposed parts. But now I'm realizing a few of my mdf ends will be exposed. How difficult will this be to stain? Any pointers?

Ana White (not verified)

Mon, 05/31/2010 - 20:04

What I would use to cover up the exposed ends is edge banding. It's super easy to iron on, and forms a tight bond (it's exactly what they use on kitchen cabinet shelves) and comes in a variety of unfinished wood and is reasonably priced (about $7 for 25 feet 3/4" wide). Good luck!

marguerito (not verified)

Tue, 06/08/2010 - 18:43

I have spent hours over the last few days trying to find a piece like the Andover Media Console or Cabinet to put in my home. This is complicated because we just sold one house, moved to a condo temporarily, while finish building another house. I had mostly built-in in last house and didn't want to pay a lot for a piece that may ultimately not have a visible place in next house. BUT I love the Bailey console and Andover cabinet so much that I have spent untold hours trying to find a piece of similar quality for not quite so much. When I saw these plans immediately got commitment from friend to build it for me!!! Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you. Your site is heaven sent!!

*~mandy~* (not verified)

Sun, 06/20/2010 - 17:15

Does anyone know a est. price on how much this would take to make this and the drawers? I love this so much! thank you Ana for posting this.. but i was also wondering if there was a way to do a skinner and taller (35" or 40" height) more profile version for people that are mounting their flat screens? it would just be used for the components? thanks and have a great night!

Andrea (not verified)

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 18:48

Like Mandy before me, I am also looking for a narrower version (like cut right down the middle). I really want to use this as an end table for the chaise end of a modular oversized couch that is on the border of my family opening into my kitchen. Too wide and my sliding glass door is covered. Would love one cabinet door and two drawers (that look like 4) :) THANKS!!!

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