Desk Hutch for File Cubby Base Desk with Drawers

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Free plans to build your own desk hutch (match this desk) but can be used on any desk.  Step by step plans with diagrams, shopping and cut list from

desk hutch
desk hutch

Remember a few weeks ago when I teamed up with Jillian from I Am a Homemaker to get you these desk plans?

I love how this desk has a mixture of storage - a pencil drawer, cubbies for books, papers, magazines and folders, and then a larger drawer for the bigger stuff.

Perfect.  Well, almost.

We needed a hutch option too!

So Jillian and I teamed up again to get you the hutch plans to match the desk.


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Desk Hutch for File Cubby Base Desk with Drawers

hutch dimensions
Hutch width has been increased to 47-1/2" to match the desk


Shopping List

1 - 1x10 @ 4 feet long

1 - 1x10 @ 8 feet long

1 - 1x3 @ 4 feet long

quarter sheet (2'x4') of 1/4" thick backing material (plywood, mdf, paneling etc)

1-1/4" pocket hole screws

1-1/4" brad nails

3/4" brad nails (for attaching back)

Cut List

1 - 1x10 @ 47-1/2" - top

3 - 1x10 @ 15-1/4" - vertical sides

1 - 1x3 @ 17-1/4" - shelving area base

1 - 1x3 @ 27-1/2" - open area base

1 - 1x10 @ 17-1/4" - shelving area bottom

3 - 1x10 @ 9-1/2" - shelving area dividers - cut to fit

1 - 1/4" plywood @ 16" x 47" - back - cut to fit

Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander


Step 1

Attach the top to the sides and divider.  You can use 2" screws, 3/4" pocket holes (with 1-1/4" pocket hole screws), or 1-1/4" brad nails with glue (since this joint will be reinforced).

Note that the open area inside width has been updated to 27-1/2" (NOT 21")

Step 2

Attach back supports.  These can be nailed as well, but pocket holes are preferred at the center.  If you don't have a Kreg Jig, you can nail or screw at an angle.

NOTE the longer support has been updated to 27-1/2"

Step 3

Attach shelf, again, your choice of fasteners.

Step 4

Add dividers, same as shelf.

Step 5

Cut back to fit and attach with 3/4" brad nails and glue.


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