You can make a volleyball four square game with basic materials from the hardware store for about $20! This is a very quick and easy project.
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8 feet tall, 13 foot x 13 foot outsides of net. You can draw the four square grid larger
Shopping List
4 - 1x2 @ 8 feet long
100 feet of rope
8 tent pegs or stakes that can be pounded all the way into the ground
Cut List
1x2s do not need to be cut, drill holes every 6” from top down, 3-4 holes
2 - rope pieces @ 14”
cut remaining rope in half, then in half again, for four equal length pieces to be used as the staking ropes
Project Type
Mon, 06/01/2020 - 15:12
4square volleyball
Such an easy plan! Thanks! My kids are quite happy!