DIY Volleyball Four Square Game

DIY crossnet volleyball game
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You can make a volleyball four square game with basic materials from the hardware store for about $20!  This is a very quick and easy project.  

My daughter has been seeing the ads for the Crossnet game - a combination of volleyball and four square, but it is speedy and sold out, so I thought we’d just use some hardware store supplies and make her one.

DIY Volleyball Four Square Game Features

  • Fun, active game that only needs four players, but more can play 
  • Needs less space to play so perfect for small yards
  • Super easy and quick to make using basic off the shelf materials
  • About $20 in supplies
  • Renewable, biodegradeable wood won’t live forever in a landfill
  • It’s repairable and repurposeable
  • Adjustable heights for the four square ropes
  • Easy to set up, take down and put away 

How to Make this Volleyball Foursquare Game

In our video tutorial we show you how we made this game


Playing Based Off Four Square Rules

Our kids play volleyball four square using the same rules that they learned on the playground for four square.  Here’s a great guide on four square rules.


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DIY Volleyball Four Square Game

8 feet tall, 13 foot x 13 foot outsides of net. You can draw the four square grid larger


Shopping List

4 - 1x2 @ 8 feet long

100 feet of rope

8 tent pegs or stakes that can be pounded all the way into the ground 

Cut List

1x2s do not need to be cut, drill holes every 6” from top down, 3-4 holes

2 - rope pieces @ 14”

cut remaining rope in half, then in half again, for four equal length pieces to be used as the staking ropes 

Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Power Sander
Project Type


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