How to build an iron board holder. Free tutorial by ANA-WHITE.com

Dimensions shown above
Shopping List
1 - 3/4" plywood @ 18" x 20"
1 - 1x6 @ 36" long
1 - 1-1/4" closet rod dowel @ 8" (could also use hooks or 2x2s)
1 - 3/4" flat metal piece @ 18" OR 1 - 1x2 @ 16-1/2"
Can be assembled with either 1-1/4" brad nails (with a brad nailer) and wood glue, or with 2" self tapping wood screws, or 1-1/4" pocket hole screws and Kreg Jig, or a combination. Least amount of tools and supplies is drill with 2" screws.
Cut List
1 - 3/4" plywood @ 18" x 20"
1 - 1x6 @ 16-1/2"
2 - 1x6 @ 8"
2 - 1-1/4" wood dowels @ 4"
1 - 3/4" flat metal piece @ 18" OR 1 - 1x2 @ 16-1/2"
Step 2
Project Type
Fri, 07/09/2021 - 13:46
Great project!
Absolutely love this project! It'll be perfect for my upcoming laundry room makeover. Just a question, though: where did you get the flat metal piece that goes across the front? It adds such a nice finishing touch!