This project is awesome on so many levels. Basically a large bookshelf that you can add a sliding barn door to. This takes care of tons of storage AND if you haven't been able to figure out where to put a sliding barn door in the house, here is a solution! I can think of a million uses for this. The kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, scaled down in the bathroom........ Where would you use it?
Pallets were a great choice, not to mention how simple it is to add the door to this simple DIY shelving unit. This Sliding DIY Pallet Door makes this simple shelf go from bland to GRAND, and all that extra storage, boom! It's great that this is such an easy build, it can be modified easily to fit your dimensions, I'd say, yes, we have a winner.
Stop by We Lived Happily Ever After for this tutorial and more!
Part One Hutch Tutorial
Part Two Door Tutorial